Wellington Underpass

Left: existing conditions under route 28. Right: concept sketch of future boardwalk

Project Summary

The Wellington Underpass is the final phase of the Wellington Greenway shared use path that will link the current dead end at Wellington T station parking lot via a new underpass under Route 16. The project is a collaboration between the City of Medford, MassDOT, DCR, and MyRWA. The design and engineering process is ongoing and supported by Gaming Commission Funds, a MassTrails Grant Application, and Transportation Investment Plan Construction Funding (MassDOT).

This boardwalk and path will:

  • Fill a critical gap in the Mystic River greenway network
  • Enable recreation, access and mobility along the Mystic River
  • Provide a safe alternative for pedestrians and cyclists to cross Route 28 at Wellington Circle

Latest News (updated 05/29/24)

Construction for this project is projected to begin Fall 2025. The project design is in progress, with the 75% draft expected this fall. Check back here for future updates and additional concept renderings.

MassDOT’s virtual Design Public Hearing took place on 12/8/22. More information, and presentation materials, is located at the link below (MassDOT external site): https://tinyurl.com/underpassmeeting

Site plan (Nitsch Engineering)
Mystic River Greenway paths in Torbert MacDonald Park. Image credit: Mystic River Watershed Association

Language Support

Contact the City of Medford’s multi-lingual support line :  781-475-5644 

Línea de recursos multilingües / Linha de recursos multilíngues / Sant apèl pou resous nan plizyè lang / خط موارد متعدد اللغات 


Project Location


  • MassDOT
  • Massachusetts Department of Conservation & Recreation
  • Mystic River Watershed Association
  • Nitsch Engineering
  • Massachusetts Gaming Commission
  • City of Medford
Sketch of boardwalk design. Image credit: Nitsch Engineering/Copley Wolff Design