What was Solarize Medford?

Thank you for your interest in Solarize Medford. This program ran from June 2013 – October 2013, during which time Medford residents contracted a total of 322.5 kW of solar power! 

The Program:SolarizeMedfordThermometer21 (1)

Solarize Medford was a limited time program offered through the state’s Solarize Massachusetts program. The program was very successful, and Medford residents contracted a total of 322.5 kW of solar energy. It ran in Medford from June through October 2013 in partnership with SunBug SolarThis company was chosen through a competitive selection process to be the designated solar developer. Solarize Mass is part of an effort to reach Governor Patrick’s goal of 250 megawatts of installed solar power by 2017. Solarize Mass, administered by the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (MassCEC) and the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources (DOER), works to offer great financial incentives for going solar to members of the selected communities. Along with generous tax credits and rebates, the Solarize Medford Program offered a special tiered pricing structure to Medford residents in order to further reduce the cost of going solar. Medford had 48 people sign up and reached the lowest price tier! The program runs periodically through the year in different communities. Information about the current round and participating communities is available from the MassCEC website.

The Team:


Solarize Medford was a cooperative effort between the city, the state, local officials, volunteers, residents and business owners just like yourself. Together they spread the knowledge of the environmental and economic benefits of solar electricity. Medford residents who dedicated their time to this program include Solarize Medford Solar Coaches Gael Motz and Kathleen McKenna and municipal representative Alicia Hunt. Gael and Kathleen worked together to coordinate the community outreach process and answer any questions from the community. Additionally, Alicia Hunt offered her extensive background in the “Go Green” effort in Medford to further support the program.

The Installer:

After review from Medford representatives, the MassCEC, and DOER, SunBug Solar was chosen as the installer for the Solarize Medford program. They are a locally owned company based out of Arlington, MA, and they use in-house installers from their trained staff. SunBug Solar brought practical solar energy solutions to Medford homes, businesses, and non-profits. Interested residents are always welcome to contact SunBug Solar independently of this program. They will come to your home or business to perform a complete analysis and determine if solar is right for you.

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