Green Energy Walkthrough Event 2020

Unfortunately, due to the heavy overnight rains and predicted winds, the Green and Local Walkthrough has been moved to this online format with information about all the exhibitors and how to reach them is listed on this page

Shredding truck has been scheduled for Saturday, November 7, 2020, 11AM-2PM at Medford High School. Limit of 4 boxes per vehicle.

Medford’s 2019 Green Award Winners

The Energy & Environment Committee is hosting an online symposium on Wednesday November 18, 7-9PM.  Topics include protecting trees, different uses of solar and clean transportation.  RSVP on Facebook to get the registration link when it is available, or check back here. 

Please check out and support the 2020 exhibitors, listed here!


Medford City Seal Blue


This event is hosted by the Medford Office of Energy and Environment,   and the Green Energy Consumers Alliance (formerly Mass Energy).

   Additional information for exhibitors is on our FAQ Page

 2020 sponsors



Check out photos from past years of the Harvest Your Energy Festival here!

This video gives an overview of the event and a description of the Medford Green Awards: