Green Awards Nominations

*the Green Award program is not currently taking place and is not taking submissions*

Nomination Guidelines

The Green Awards program recognizes those who exhibit creativity, initiative, and/or substantial effort in practicing environmental responsibility. Examples of Environmental Practices to be considered for the Medford Green Awards program:
Energy – e.g. conservation/audits, alternative energy generation/purchasing
Waste Reduction – e.g. reducing, reusing, recycling, composting
Sustainable Development – e.g. green building, green jobs, green/locally sourced materials
Urban Nature – e.g. tree planting, habitat protection, litter abatement, landscaping
Transportation – e.g. clean vehicle, congestion reduction, public transit
Environmental Health – e.g. toxin reductions, organic/sustainable foods, air quality improvement
Water – e.g. conservation, pollution prevention, wastewater reduction
Innovation/Start-Up – e.g. new concepts/ideas, trailblazers


The Green Awards are open to all residents, businesses, organizations, and schools within Medford that have demonstrated substantial efforts to improve Medford’s environment, either for a single project or over a period of time.

Evaluation Criteria

Innovative – Does it contribute new information on how to improve the environment? Is it a new concept or process? Has it ever been executed successfully before? Is it a creative solution to a problem?

Beneficial – Does it make a significant contribution to improve the environment? Does it reduce health risks or conserve resources? Does it reduce a large volume or significant percentage of air or water pollutants, solid waste or energy resources? Is it self-sustaining or ongoing? Does it address other social or economic needs beyond environmental quality? Does it protect natural resources?

Measurable – Can we measure its contribution to environmental quality? Is the measurement specific?

Education & Outreach – Does it promote public awareness or education? Does it include employee training or technology transfer? Does it include guidelines, brochures, or videos? Does it serve as a model for other efforts? Does the program reach a wide number of stakeholders?

Cooperative Effort – Does it involve a cooperative effort between multiple entities or organizations (government, industries, civic groups, schools, citizens, associations)? Has it significantly improved the quality of life for the larger community?

Greenhouse Gas Reduction – Is the reduction measurable? Will the activity reduce future emissions? Does it avoid the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere or reduce the amount already present?


Download the application here: Medford-Green-Awards-Nomination-Form

After you fill it out, submit your application by emailing it to, or you can print it, fill it out, and mail it here:

Att: Green Awards
Office of Energy and Environment
Medford City Hall, Room 205
85 George P. Hassett Drive
Medford, MA 02155

Applications may be received at any time, on a rolling basis.