Community Electricity Aggregation

Medford Community Electricity Aggregation (Medford CEA) is a program provided by the City of Medford’s Office of Planning, Development, and Sustainability. Enrolling in the program provides Medford residents and businesses access to more renewable energy options at a stable and competitive price. 


Current Rates

Frequently Asked Questions

The Medford CEA program does not replace National Grid or Eversource, the electric utilities in Medford. Your utility will continue to deliver the electricity, repair outages, and manage billing for participants. Instead, the program offers alternatives to the supply (sources of electricity) portion of your bill. 

Medford CEA is the only electricity program offered by our City – beware of look-alike offers and always look for the City seal on materials sent to you!

Visit the program’s official website for more information.

1. Stable Prices

The rates for electricity services available under the CEA program are fixed for two year durations, whereas Basic Service rates for National Grid and Eversource change every six months for residential and commercial customers. 

2. Positive Environmental Impact

Started in 2019, the program has always included opportunities to use cleaner electricity than required by Massachusetts, creating the needed demand for more renewable energy generation in our region. The program is an integral part of the City of Medford’s Climate Efforts.

In fact, the program offers a 100% renewable energy option: you can sign up your home or your business on the program website here. It takes less than 5 minutes, and you can be part of the solution to the climate crisis.

Check the supply services section of your electricity bill. If you are enrolled, the supplier will be listed as “Medford Community Elec – Direct”

As of January 2024, the front page of your electricity bill under the bill summary will also read “Our records indicate that you have switched your supplier option to “Medford Community Elec – Directif applicable.

Many residential and business customers have been automatically enrolled in the program. New customers are periodically sent a notification letter informing them of their choice to participate in the program or opt out. Those who have lived in Medford since the program’s start in 2019 would have been enrolled then. Customers can opt out of the program at any time without penalty. 

Visit the program’s website for additional information.

The Attorney General’s Office publishes regular reports on the state of the competitive electric supply market in Massachusetts. See the most recent report