Community Garden Announcements

Updates to this page coming!  We have been so busy building the Winthrop St garden that we haven’t had a chance to update the webpage!


Dear all:

Now that we finally have permission to build at Winthrop Street we wanted to try to summarize what’s being done on a number of fronts to move us forward.

Construction Committee

  • Preparing to build a test garden bed for review by the Conservation Commission.
  • Ordering temporary signs to mark the Winthrop site.
  • Suggest a roll-out of staggered construction once we determine the number of beds we can build and what type fencing we will use.


  • Working on a variety of fundraising plans.
  • Contacting vendors about in-kind donations.


  • Updating the web site.
  • Designing a more elaborate sign for any temporary fencing that is installed.


  • Reviewing the Riverbend rules for modification to use at Winthrop and McNally

We welcome all that are interested in helping to sign up for a committee or otherwise volunteer.


Next meeting will be held at the Hyatt in Medford Square Thursday, June 11, 2015 from 6-7:30

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