On June 2, 2014, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed long-awaited guidelines (known as “rules”) to reduce greenhouse gas-related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from a major sector involved in these emissions: existing power plants. This “Clean Power Plan”…
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Renewable Energy in the Digital Business Sector
Climate Progress said earlier this month that “Greenpeace’s latest energy report called out Amazon as being one of the worst dirty energy transgressors. But the report also praises Apple for completely switching to renewable energy, showing that public pressure and greater transparency…
Net financial benefit seen from MA Green Communities Act
The state’s landmark law to promote energy efficiency and renewable power sources such as wind and solar is projected to produce a modest economic benefit in coming years, including the creation of about 16,000 jobs, according to new report released…
Massachusetts has no recycling system for electronic waste
Have you ever seen a computer terminal taking up permanent residency on a sidewalk in Medford? Do you have a pile of computer cords, chargers, and broken cellphones that you don’t know what to do with? Both of these…
Most sustainable building in the world has link to Medford
According to Joel Connelly in the Seattle PI, Seattle’s Bullitt Center was recently selected in an architectural contest as the world’s most sustainable building. The Bullitt Center is a newly built, five-story office building that makes extensive use of reclaimed local resources, non-toxic…
A New Year for Energy Efficiency
Welcome to 2014! Our record-breaking storm of January 2nd that brought us blustery winds and a foot of white stuff seems like a great way to start talking about how to keep our homes warm at the least possible…
Shining New Light on Holiday Cheer
The holiday season has always been a time for our Medford community to come together. Each individual, family, and neighborhood has their own time-honored winter traditions but one thing we can all celebrate is the Christmas lighting at City Hall.…
Comparing the Sustainability and Quality Movements
By Curtis Tuden Global markets throughout history have demonstrated unique characteristics that help distinguish one era from another. For those who are unfamiliar with economic trends, these characteristics are often broadly seen as recessions, depressions, and bull or bear…
Massachusetts Clean Energy Incentive Program Contracts 551 Solar Projects
Following is a press release from the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center about the great success of the Solarize Mass project, in which Medford played an important role. Portions about Medford are bolded so you can find them easily. BOSTON…
Harvest Your Energy Festival, Sat Oct 26, 11-2 pm
Come to the Harvest Your Energy Festival this Saturday, October 26th. It will be held from 11 am to 2 pm at the base of the Medford Wind Turbine, in Riverbend Park, behind the McGlynn Middle School on Freedom Way.…