Municipal Aggregation Videos

Click on the informative videos below to learn more about Medford’s Municipal Energy Aggregation program! 

Introduction: ‘Medford Community Electricity Aggregation’

‘Electricity Aggregation: How Do I Sign Up?’

Description: Do you want to switch to the City’s Electricity Aggregation program? Curious as to why you might not have been automatically opted in?  Find out more in this video about different possible reasons and the resources available to you if you would like to switch over!

‘Electricity Aggregation: Can I Opt Out?’

Description: If you want to opt-out of the City’s Electricity Aggregation program, you can do so at any time. Want to know about what the process entails? Want to know if opting out prevents you from opting back in later? Watch this video to find out more!


‘Electricity Aggregation: The Top Things to Know’

Description: Still not sure about the details of the City’s new Electricity Aggregation program and what it means for you? Watch this video to get a brief but detailed overview of what this program means for Medford and your different options for participating. 


‘Electricity Aggregation: What are the benefits?’

Description: Why did the City start its Electricity Aggregation program? What are the benefits to Medford residents? What does this help the City accomplish? Answer these questions and more by watching this video! 


‘Electricity Aggregation: What is Aggregation?’

Description: What does being a part of the City’s Electricity Aggregation program mean for the electricity you use? What does it mean that the City has started this program? Answer these questions by watching this video! 


‘Electricity Aggregation: Who Chose for Medford?’

Description: Why did the City choose to enroll in an aggregation program and who was involved in the decision-making process? Watch this video to find out more!