Log of Public Outreach for Municipal Aggregation
Note: Not all Facebook posts are logged here. Anytime a press release comes out with relevant information for Go Green Medford, it is shared on Facebook.
- October 22, 2019: Medford postcard mailed
- October 16, 2019: Re-release of October 2nd press release
- October 10, 2019: DPU required notification and opt-out letters mailed
- October 9, 2019: Transcript Article: Medford reaches agreement for municipal energy aggregation
- October 2, 2019: Press release on city website announcing rate approval
- July 15, 2019: Press release on city website announcing plan approval
- July 13, 2019: Medford Patch Article: Medford Electricity Aggregation Aims for Winter Start
- Go Green Medford Facebook Post
- January 5, 2019: Commonwealth Magazine: Electricity aggregation success extends beyond Newton
- August 28, 2018: Boston Globe article: Energy program may help Medford residents save on electric bills
- August 27, 2018: Transcript article: Energy aggregation passes second hurdle in Medford
- August 9, 2018: Go Green Medford Facebook post
- August 7, 2018: Facebook post
- August 2, 2018: Emailed to Medford Energy & Environment Committee
- Press release on public meeting and public comment period
- Transcript article: Municipal Aggregation Plan now available
- August 1, 2018: Flyer emailed to library and members of City Council
- NextDoor post/event
- Barry call
- Medford Police News & Events Posting: Municipal Draft Plan
- July 31, 2018: Facebook event created for August 8 meeting (reached 406 people!)
- July 13, 2018: Press release on City website
- Go Green Medford Facebook post
- July 12, 2018: Transcript article: City of Medford presents electricity aggregation plan
- Mayor Burke Facebook post
- April 26, 2018: Boston Globe: New program will lower Medford residents’ electric bills
- April 3, 2018: Press release re: possible scam messages and municipal plan on City website
- April 2, 2018: Mayor Burke and Go Green Medford Facebook post (re: scam calls)
- March 20, 2018: Transcript article: Medford moves step by step towards renewables, energy efficiency
- February 9, 2018: Medford Patch Article: Medford to Negotiate Electricity Rates for Residents, Businesses
- February 8, 2018: Transcript article: Medford City Council approves first step toward electricity aggregation
- Press release: Mayor’s announcement that City Council authorized the City to create a plan
- Go Green Medford Facebook post
- February 7, 2018: Mayor Burke Facebook post re: City Council meeting
- February 6, 2018: City Council meeting to authorize the creation of the plan
- February 2, 2018: Go Green Medford Facebook post to gather support for City Council meeting
- February 1, 2018: Created Facebook event for City Council meeting
- January 25, 2018: Transcript article: Medford City Council again debates municipal energy aggregation
- April 18, 2017: Transcript article: Council mulls municipal aggregation
- Transcript article: EDITORIAL: Give municipal aggregation a chance
- March 23, 2017: Information night hosted by E&E Committee
- March 16, 2017: Press release re: information night hosted by Energy & Environment Committee
- August 16, 2016: Transcript article: Medford officials to re-pitch aggregation plan to City Council