The Commission was established to organize, coordinate, set policies and provide oversight for new community gardens in Medford.
The commission is made up of six members and two alternates. Current members are listed below.
Current members:
Elise Boerjes, 38 Wason Street, term expires 11/18/2024
Amanda Bowen, 57 Madison Street, term expires 11/18/2024
Brian Duran, 363 Lawrence Road, term expires 11/18/2024
Frederick Laskey, 55 Summit Road, term expires 11/18/2018
Lisa Risley, alternate, 112 Fulton Spring Road
Rebecca Stevenson, alternate, 83 Myrtle Street #2, term expires 11/18/2025
Elizabeth White, 280 High Street
Meetings are held monthly on the fourth Tuesday of the month from 7-8:30PM.
Currently, meetings are being held over Zoom. Information on joining the Commission meetings can be found in the most recent meeting Agenda.
Commission History
- A new garden was constructed in Tufts Park to provide South Medford residents with growing space; there are now 24 plots available including 2 dedicated to the teaching program of the Curtis-Tufts School.
- The garden group was asked to become involved in planning additional gardens at the Willis Avenue development, managed by the Medford Housing Authority. Members of our group have coordinated with MHA staff to plan programming for children attending summer programs at the Community Center and advocated for more beds to be built there. There are currently 8 plots for residents as well as 8 plots for Community Center use.
- Additional plots were added to the Winthrop Community Garden, including two educational beds, for a total of 38 available plots in the Garden.
- The City appointed a Commission to oversee future garden development and ensure equitable practices throughout Medford.
- As a result of development efforts and with the permission of the Department of Conservation and Recreation, the Winthrop Community Garden opened in 2015 with about 24 plots.
- McNally Playground was renovated, and four garden plots were installed.
- A nonprofit Friends group was founded to coordinate fundraising for the gardens.
- The environmentally-focused group Green Medford decided to make community gardening a priority in the City and in partnership with members of the Medford Garden Club began to meet to plan an initiative to build more gardens. At the same time, Medford drafted a new open space plan that mandated the addition of garden plots to parks as they were renovated.
- With support from Tufts University and land made available in a new park, Riverbend Community Garden was built near the new Andrews Middle School. The 32 plots were immediately taken, and a long waiting list developed.