HYEF Exhbitor FAQ

Q: When does the Festival take place?

A: The 8th annual festival will be held on Saturday October 19th, 2019 from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Q: When is the registration deadline for exhibitors and/or sponsors?

A: For official sponsors, the deadline is September 19th, 2019. For school, student, non-profit, and government organizations as well as commercial entities that are not sponsoring, the deadline to register is October 4, 2019.

We strongly encourage all organizations interested in participating to submit their forms as early as possible. The earlier we receive your forms, the earlier we can advertise that you are coming!

Q: Where is the Festival located?

A: The Festival is held in behind McGlynn Middle School in Riverbend Park next to the wind turbine. Not all GPS will give you accurate directions to the park or school. To use GPS, direct it to Hormel Stadium. From there look for the wind turbine; the festival is held between the building and the Mystic River. For more detailed directions click here

Q: What happens if it rains?

A: In case of rain, the festival will be held inside the McGlynn School Cafeteria. The date and time will not change.

Q: How much does having a table at the Festival cost?

A: Exhibitor fees vary based on the type of organization and the level of involvement.

To costs to reserve a table are as follows:

  • Schools and student organizations — no cost
  • Non-profit and government organizations — $20/table
  • Commercial entities — $40/table

There are also two levels of official sponsorship:

  • $100/table — includes name on the Official Flyer and website
  • $250/table — includes name on the Official Flyer and website, as well as specialized benefits that can be arranged with Alicia Hunt by emailing or calling the Medford Office of Energy & Environment

Q: How do I sign up?

A: The form can be filled out online here and emailed to enviro@medford-ma.gov; or you can print and fill out the form before mailing it to the Medford Office of Energy and Environment in Room 205 at Medford City Hall.

Q: Do we have to bring our own table?

A. No, a table and two chairs are included and paid for by the exhibitor fees.

Q: How big is the table?

A: The table is 3’x8′.

Q: Can we request two tables?

A: Yes, but an additional table costs $20.

Q: Can we bring our own table?

A: Yes, but you still must pay the registration fee.

Q: Is there electricity available?

A: Yes, but it must be requested ahead of time on the Exhibitor Application form.

Q: What time can vendors begin setting up?

A: Vendors set-up between 10:30-11:30am and breakdown between 3-4pm.

Q: How big is the space that our table will be in?

A: The space is approximately 12’x10′. If you require special accommodations please contact the Office of Energy & Environment at enviro@medford-ma.gov.

Q: What else will happen at the festival?

A: There will be many activities at the festival including music and entertainment, food, the presentation of the Medford Green Awards, a recycling shredding truck, and more!

Q: Where should exhibitors park?

A: Exhibitors may use the lot between the McGlynn and Andrews school for drop off and set up, but will then be asked to move their cars to the front of the McGlynn School.

Have any more questions? Contact the Office of Energy and the Environment at enviro@medford-ma.gov or call 781-393-2137.