For over two decades Medford has been committed to green initiatives and clean energy. The list below provides a year-by-year description of energy and environment-related projects and accomplishments in Medford. Most ongoing and current projects also have their own pages on this site; links to these can be found throughout the list, in the year when the project began.
Missituk Elementary School EV charging station: installed at the end of April, a Level Two charger. The station is designated for the school’s staff/faculty during school hours, and open to the public outside of that timeframe. Funded by the EVIP PAC grant through MassDep. Get more info here.
Three New Bluebikes Stations: three new stations were installed at the end of May (Hormel Stadium, Harris Park, Haines Square). Check out Bluebikes locations on this map.
Comprehensive Plan: After numerous rounds of community feedback, Medford published the finalized version of the Comprehensive Plan in January. The plan provides a ten year vision for city policy and guidance on implementation. The final version can be found here.
Comprehensive Plan Draft: The city released a draft version of the Comprehensive Plan, which provides a ten year vision for city policy and guidance on implementation. Assessed under the themes of resilience, equity, and health, the plan engages with seven core areas: land use, housing, economic development, history/arts/culture, open space and recreation, public service, and mobility. The draft was sent out to the community for review and feedback. Visit the Comprehensive Plan’s website to learn more.
Bluebikes: Medford officially joined Metro Boston’s bike share program in October. Funded by the Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO)’s Community Connections Grant, three stations have been installed throughout Medford. They can be found at Tufts Square, Medford Square, and Brooks Park on Main Street. The City has plans to install additional stations in the future, funded by a grant from the Massachusetts Gaming Commission.
FindMedford Pilot Program: Launched in July by the City of Medford in collaboration with WalkBoston and WalkMedford, the wayfinding program will create a comprehensive network of signs that will help pedestrians and bicyclists navigate points throughout the city. FindMedford is aimed at promoting walkability, lowering emissions, and reducing traffic congestion. The program is funded through the MassDOT Shared Streets and Spaces Grant, which was awarded to Medford on July 1st, 2021. Let us know your thoughts on the program here!
Gillis Park Improvements: In September, the City was awarded $400,000 in state Parkland Acquisitions and Renovations for Communities (PARC) assistance. The grant funding will be used to upgrade the accessibility features of Gillis Park. This will include the installation of an accessible park entrance, improving field drainage, and adding an accessible loop path across the field. The city also received $97,000 in Community Preservation Act (CPA) grant funding that will go toward building a picnic and outdoor fitness area.
Carr Park Vision Plan: The City received a Land and Water Conservation Fund Grant in the fall for implementing Phase 1 of the Carr Park Vision Plan. The plan includes adding an accessible loop path, woodlands debris clearing, reconstruction of two baseball fields, and general utility and drainage improvements. The city was also awarded $402,000 in CPA grant funding to build four dedicated pickleball courts at the park. Visit this page to learn more about the Carr Park Vision Plan.
Additional CPA Funding: $28,000 in funding will go toward design services and public outreach for a covid memorial grove. The city also received $8,000 to add a tennis/lacrosse backboard at the Dugger Park tennis courts, as well as install a memorial plaque honoring West Medford’s African American history. Interested in learning more about Medford’s Community Preservation Committee? Visit their website.
Haines Square Improvements: As part of the ongoing Complete Streets 2019 project, the intersection of Salem Street and Spring Street (Haines Square) began construction on October 11th. These updates aim to improve pedestrian safety and visibility via traffic calming and channeling. Information regarding specific improvements can be found here.
MAPC Accelerating Climate Resiliency grant: The City of Medford was awarded $75,000 to fund a climate planner that will work on policy and zoning regulations within the context of climate resiliency.
Green Communities Grant: As a part of the Green Communities initiative, the City was awarded $100,000 by the Department of Energy Resources to fund energy efficiency measures at LoConte Ice Rink and the Department of Public Works. These upgrades will save the City in annual energy costs and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in municipal facilities.
Electric Vehicle Charging Stations: Two new EV charging stations were installed in partnership with Verdek at Carr Park and Hormel Stadium using MA DEP grant funding through the Commonwealth’s EVIP Program. A map of publicly accessible City of Medford charging stations is available here. Visit the Electric Vehicles page of this website to learn more.
Community Electricity Aggregation Program: Originally passed by City Council in 2018, the program was renewed for another 2 years. The program’s new electricity supplier will be NextEra Energy Services. Medford residents who participate in the program have more options for electricity supply and renewable energy at a stable and competitive price. Those who are already participating in the program will automatically receive new prices beginning in December. Visit the program’s website to learn more.
Wellington / Route 28 Underpass: The Wellington/Route 28 Underpass will fill a critical gap in the area’s shared greenway network and provides a safe alternative for pedestrians and bikers trying to cross Route 28 and Wellington Circle. Along with the Mystic River Watershed Association, the City of Medford is leading the development process. In July 2021, the MassTrails Grant Program awarded the project $191,190 for the design, permitting, and engineering of the project.
Residential Composting Partnership: In Summer 2021, Medford launched a municipal residential composting partnership with Garbage to Garden. Interested residents can now request weekly curbside compost pickup from Garbage to Garden at a lower negotiated monthly rate for Medford households. Learn more and subscribe here.
2021 EBC Award: As a part of the Resilient Mystic Collaborative (RMC), the City of Medford received the Environmental Business Council of New England Award for Leadership by a Non-Profit Organization. The RMC is a partnership of neighboring communities in the Mystic River Watershed working to protect our people and places from climate-intensified risks.
Medford Comprehensive Plan: Over 12-18 months the City will complete a Comprehensive Master Planning Process. The resulting Plan will provide a basis for decision-making about climate adaptation and mitigation practices, land use planning and redevelopment, budget preparation, and capital improvement planning for public facilities and services.
School Recycling Expansion: The Sustainable Materials Recovery Program through MassDEP awarded the City of Medford a $30,000 grant for the installation of six recycling dumpsters to expand recycling capacity, a dishwasher for Medford High School, reusable lunch trays, and signage. The grant includes all schools in the district and aims to expand recycling and reduce single-use plastic food service ware in the high school cafeteria.
Dog Park Improvements: The Medford Dog Park recently installed new LED pole lights at the east end of the park. This installation is the first in a series of updates funded through a $23,281 grant from the Stanton Foundation. Improvements will also include the addition of a 72ft border of landscape timbers around the edge of the park, a new shed, and a new circular bench with an ‘escape door’ so dogs can move easily around it.
New Bus Infrastructure: The City of Medford was awarded a $100,000 grant from MassDOT’s Shared Winter Streets Program for the implementation of bus shelters and bus benches. Two bus shelters will be placed in Medford Square and Haines Square and the City is currently considering locations for potential bus benches.
Local Business Technical Assistance Program: In partnership with MassHire Metro North Workforce Board, the City was awarded a grant from the Massachusetts Gaming Commission. This grant will enable Medford to contract consultant services to create and launch a program to assist businesses to access the funds and benefits designated through the Surrounding Community Agreement for the benefit of Medford businesses.
Climate Action Plan 2021 Retrospective: In honor of Earth Day, 20 years after the release of its historic 2001 Climate Action Plan, the City published a report, reflecting on the progress of the last two decades. Following this retrospective, the City of Medford will release a Climate Action and Adaptation Plan later this year. It will detail the City’s proposed actions and strategies to achieve climate resilience and to create a sustainable future for all of Medford.
Tufts Pool LED-Lighting Upgrade: In early 2021, the Tufts Pool lighting was upgraded to LED. This replacement will make the facility more energy efficient and the new lighting will require less maintenance.
Riverbend Park: The City received $147,306 through the Community Preservation Act for Phase 2 remediation of Riverbend Park, which will be used to improve the concrete or asphalt cap being installed as part of the cleanup efforts.
Wellington Greenway: The City was awarded $530,000 through the Massachusetts Gaming Commission’s Community Mitigation Fund. This funding will be used to complete Phase 4 of the Wellington Greenway, which is a 0.3-mile path along the Mystic River.
Shared Streets and Spaces: Medford was awarded a grant of $30,000 through the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) Shared Streets and Spaces Program. This funding was used to create outdoor dining spaces during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Small Business Grant Programs: In 2020, Mayor Breanna Lungo-Koehn and Medford’s Office of PDS (formerly Community Development) launched two grant programs for small businesses impacted by COVID-19. The City of Medford Small Business and Microenterprise Relief Grant Programs distributed $476,500 in grant relief to 54 small businesses in the first round of the programs and $208,000 to 25 small businesses in the second round. The funding was provided through a Community Development Block Grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
LED-Lighting for Medford Schools: The City of Medford received a Green Communities grant in 2019 with $57,879 allotted for LED upgrades in the Medford High School, $71,050 allotted for LED upgrades in the McGlynn School, and $15,920 allotted to replace one of the two oil boilers at the Public Safety Headquarters with a more efficient gas boiler. All upgrades were completed in 2020.
Fossil-Free Police Station: On December 8th, 2020, the new Medford Police Station officially opened. The new station has a 60kW rooftop solar system, fully owned by the city, which helps power the station. The building uses zero fossil fuels for its heating, cooling, and ventilation systems and contributes to Medford’s goal of reaching net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.
Medford Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment: In January 2019, the Office of Energy & Environment released its first city-wide Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment. The assessment outlines the hazards that climate change is expected to bring to Medford, and reviews the city’s strengths and vulnerabilities in relation to these hazards. Staff have already begun work on the City’s adaptation and mitigation plan, informed by the vulnerability assessment.
Fossil-Free Police Station: Construction on the new police station has begun and is expected to be completed by the fall of 2020. The new station will not burn any fossil fuels, instead relying on its highly energy efficient design, rooftop solar panels with a heating and cooling system and an energy recovery ventilation system for its energy needs. The new station will not only provide the City’s officers with modern facilities, but it will also contribute to the City’s goal of having net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.
DPW Facility Battery: Continuing municipal building resiliency work funded by the Community Clean Energy and Resiliency Grant awarded in 2014, the City contracted for and installed 100kW/255kWh building-scale battery at the Department of Public Works (DPW) to store the solar energy it produces and allow the building to be energy self-sufficient.
Plastic Bag Ordinance: In February, Mayor Burke signed into law an ordinance regulating plastic bags in the City of Medford. The ordinance specifically bans thin-film bags to be given out by retail establishments and goes into effect on July 16, 2019.
Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations: With the help of a $25,000 EV charging incentive grant from National Grid received in May 2019, the City of Medford installed two EV charging stations, one at the Medford Vocational Technical High School and another at Medford City Hall.
Municipal Composting Study: The Office partnered with the Tufts Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning Program to conduct a study into the feasibility of municipal composting in the City of Medford. The graduate students did an in-depth study of the social, environmental, financial and practical issues related to composting at the municipal scale in this region, and provided recommendations for how to start a program.
Clippership Connector: The Clippership Connector is a half-mile shared-use path connecting trails along the Mystic River. The City continues to work with the Department of Conservation & Recreation, the Mystic River Watershed Association, and Walk Medford on the design and outreach.
Fossil-Free Library: Construction of the Medford Public Library is underway and anticipated to be done by 2021. Current design is for solar panels to cover the entire roof.
Inland Flooding Study: Completed a study of inland flooding impacts in South Medford from Municipal Vulnerabilities Preparedness Action grant received in 2018, and received another MVP Action grant of $94,000 for the City’s Engineering Office to design green infrastructure that would mitigate flooding in South Medford.
Medford Canopy Improvement Initiative: The City was awarded a grant of $20,000 for the Medford Canopy Improvement Initiative, which will allow the City to grow its tree canopy by 25% in 2019. The funds will be used to plant new trees in places where tree coverage is low, as well as several events including community tree plantings, interactive events and educational events.
Riverbend Park: The City was awarded a grant for $138,743 for remediation efforts at Riverbend Park. The funding was provided through the Community Preservation Act and will be used to clean up contaminated soil.
Route 28 Underpass: The City was awarded $200,000 through the Massachusetts Gaming Commission’s Community Mitigation Fund. The grant will be used to design a multi-use boardwalk under the Route 28/Fellsway bridge.
Energy Leadership Award: On November 19th, Medford was given an Energy Leadership Award by the Green Energy Consumers Alliance (formerly known as Mass Energy) for the Municipal Energy Aggregation Program. Rockland and Bedford also received awards for similar programs.
Climate Resiliency: In June 2018, the City was awarded an $80,000 Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Action Grant from the Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs to incorporate climate resiliency in its next Open Space and Recreation Plan.
Municipal Building Clean Energy and Resiliency Project: Continuing municipal building resiliency work funded by the Community Clean Energy and Resiliency Grant awarded in 2014, the city installed solar panels and put out a bid for a battery on the DPW building, and upgraded lights at the Andrews School.
Solar on the Department of Public Works: Installed a 235 kW PV solar array on the DPW facility at 21 James Street and received additional grant funding of $290,000 from the DOER to contract for the purchase of a 100kW building-scale battery.
Municipal Energy Aggregation: The City Council passed municipal energy aggregation and submitted a plan to the Department of Public Utilities.
Inland Flooding Study: After completing a study on inland flooding in Medford, the City was awarded a $60,830 Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Action Grant to create a plan to reduce future flooding in South Medford. For the study, the City worked with consulting firm Kleinfelder to examine the city’s storm drain system and identify areas for improvement, paying particular attention to the increased precipitation we expect to see in the future as a result of climate change.
Demand Response Grant: Partnered with B2Q associates on a $478,688 grant from DOER to make Medford’s power supply more resilient, including battery storage, peak demand response, and upgrading the rest of the Andrews School to LED lighting.
South Medford Connector Path: Began engineering and permitting for the South Medford Connector Path along the south side of the Mystic River, using a $198,600 Transportation Planning Grant from the MA Gaming Commission.
Clippership Connector: Received $100,000 from the Cummings Foundation and $50,000 from DCR to begin developing the Clippership Connector bike path along the Mystic River. More information on the Clippership Connector can be found under our Park & Path Developments page.
West Medford Brownfield Remediation: Over several years, City employees worked with the EPA and DEP on the cleanup and remediation of a brownfield in a West Medford parking lot. The third and final phase of the project is expected to be completed in 2018.
Climate Mayors: Mayor Burke joined this national group of mayors from across the US who commit to upholding their city’s commitment to the Paris Climate Agreement after the US withdrew from the agreement in June of 2017.
Community Resiliency Building Workshop: Medford received $26,000 from the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs as part of the Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) program. The grant allowed the city to convene stakeholders at a workshop to discuss local climate change hazards, vulnerabilities, and possible adaptations.
Green Communities Grant: Received a $235,935 Green Communities Competitive Grant from DOER to upgrade lights in three school cafeterias to LED, as well as to begin the process of upgrading the City’s streetlights.
Streetlight LED Upgrade: Project launched to upgrade Medford’s streetlights to more energy-efficient LED bulbs. Once completed, this will reduce Medford’s overall energy usage and greenhouse gas contribution. In 2017, Medford received $379,832 from MAPC and DOER to implement this project. More information can be found under our LED Lighting Upgrade page.
Medford Dog Park: On December 9, 2017, Medford opened its first off-leash recreation area, consisting of separate gated areas for large and small dogs.
Municipal Building Clean Energy and Resiliency Project: Design and engineering began on improving energy resiliency at the DPW and the Andrews School, funded by the Community Clean Energy and Resiliency Grant awarded in 2014.
South Medford Connector Path: Received $80,000 from the MA Gaming Commission to conduct a feasibility study for the South Medford Connector path along the south side of the Mystic River.
Community Conversations about Climate Change: The Office of Energy and Environment held meetings with community groups around the city to discuss residents’ concerns about current and future climate change impacts.
New Community Garden: an additional community garden was launched at Tufts Park.
Global Covenant of Mayors: Mayor Burke joined other mayors around the world in fall 2016 by signing a historic agreement to achieve net-zero emissions region-wide by 2050 in support of the Paris Climate Agreement.
Metro Mayors Climate Mitigation Commitment: In November 2016 Medford became one of 14 members of the Metropolitan Mayors Coalition (MMC) working to develop regional solutions to climate change.
Greenhouse Gas Inventory: In December 2016, the Office completed its first community-wide greenhouse gas inventory as part of its commitment to the Global Covenant of Mayors. According to the study, Medford produced 425, 552 metric tons of CO2 in fiscal year 2015.
Green Communities Grant: Received a grant for $250,000 from the state to upgrade lighting to LED in several school buildings: hallway and stairwell lighting in the McGlynn school, exterior lighting in the Brooks and Roberts schools, and all building lighting in the Curtis Tufts School.
2016 US EPA Lifetime Achievement Award granted to Mayor McGlynn upon retirement.
Clippership Connector Partnership Grant: Received $67,500 from DCR in partnership with Walk Medford, the Mystic River Watershed Association, and the Solomon Foundation to begin design on the Clippership Connector bike path.
Riverbank Improvements: Awarded a grant of $34,275 from MassDEP to remove invasive species, prune vegetation and plant trees along the Mystic River near Dugger Park.
Park Development: Medford supports community groups working on Medford Dog Park, a natural play space at Sleepy Hollow with new tables and benches at the Burying Ground. Dog park committee received grant for $250,000 for the project in 2016.
Coastal Zone Remediation Grant: Received a grant of $125,000 from the state to develop a gravel wetland at Riverbend Park.
Community Gardens: Worked with Friends of Medford Community Gardens to launch the gardens at Winthrop Street and McNally Park in 2015-16.
MyRWA’s Mystic Municipal Leadership Award: Medford’s Energy and Environment Director Alicia received the 2016 Municipal Leadership award from the Mystic River Watershed Association
Metro Mayors Climate Preparedness Commitment: Medford joined 14 other Boston-area mayors in pledging to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and prepare for climate change.
Compost Bin Program: Launched in 2015, this program sells compost bins at a reduced price to residents through Medford City Hall. This is now an annual sale.
Designing Nature-Based Solutions for Stormwater: The City of Medford, in partnership with the Mystic River Watershed Association, received a Coastal Pollution Remediation grant from the state for $42,510 to perform an assessment to prioritize sites and develop conceptual and final designs for natural stormwater treatment systems that would address roadway-related pollution to the Mystic River.
Wind Turbine Wrap: Medford Energy Committee designed and implemented educational panels on the wind turbine.
Upgraded City Hall Exterior Lights: Upgraded the lighting behind City Hall down to Clippership Drive Park to LED.
Business Recycling: Extended a recycling program to businesses in Medford Square as a pilot.
Green Communities Grant: Medford received a grant for $143,000 from the state to do various energy efficiency projects including: installing an Energy Management System at the Senior Center, weatherizing windows and doors at City Hall, and upgrading exterior lighting to LED at Medford High School, Columbus School, LoConte Ice Rink, and Hormel Stadium.
Storm Drain Labeling: Medford partnered with incoming Tufts FOCUS students to do a storm drain labeling project. Decals read “No Dumping, Drains to River” in an effort to raise awareness of the problems caused by littering and dumping into storm drains. Storm drain labeling has continued in subsequent years in partnership with Tufts and the Boy Scouts.
Rain Barrel Program: Began selling rain barrels to residents at a reduced price. Residents use rain barrels to collect and store rain water to be used for watering lawns and gardens. This program has been offered annually each spring since 2014.
Partnered with MyRWA on Urban Waters grant: In partnership with Mystic River Watershed Association (MyRWA), received a $60,000 grant to do stormwater-related outreach and education.
Community Clean Energy Resiliency Initiative Grant: Awarded by the state to evaluate using solar power and battery storage to make municipal buildings more resilient; the projects were later implemented in 2017-18.
Solar Owners Agent Grant: Received $12,500 to hire an Owners Agent to assist with the installation of install solar.
Big Belly Solar Compactors with Recycling Attachments: With funding from National Grid’s Go Green program, the Office purchased six Big Belly solar compactors with recycling attachments for Medford parks.
New Boilers at Medford High School: Received a Massachusetts School Building Authority grant to install energy-efficient boilers at Medford High School.
Middlesex Fells Bog Bridge: Medford teamed up with Eagle Eye Institute and Medford High School students to build a bog bridge in the Middlesex Fells behind the High School. This bridge enables hikers to walk through the Fells without disturbing the wetlands.
Solarize Medford: The Solarize Medford program was a cooperative effort between the State of Massachusetts, City of Medford, volunteers, residents and small business owners who came together to spread the word on the environmental and economic benefits of solar electricity. Through this program, Medford residents contracted 322.5 kW of solar power in household solar arrays.
Go Green Residential: Medford partnered with National Grid to increase the number of city residents taking advantage of Home Energy Assessments and services offered through the MassSave Program. Through this partnership, the City received a grant of $40,000 from National Grid to further their energy and environmental efforts.
Study of Medford High School Heating System: The City received a $12,500 MA DOER Owners Agent Technical Assistance Grant to complete a study of the heating system at the high school, focusing specifically on converting distributed heat exchangers to high efficiency hot water heaters, as well as installing proper modern controls on all parts of the heating and ventilation system.
MMA Pickard Innovation Award: Awarded to Medford for its Go Green Medford initiative.
City Hall Lighting Upgrade: Upgraded lights to more energy efficient lights, including LEDs and occupancy sensors.
Brooks Estate LEDs: End of year grant from the state provided LED bulbs throughout the Brooks Estate.
Medford High Entry LED lights: End of year grant from the state provided LED bulbs for 1st and 2nd floor entry of Medford High.
West Medford Brownfield Remediation: Medford received two EPA Brownfields Grants to remediate the West Medford brownfield site, for a total of $400,000.
First Annual Green Awards: Medford recognized local businesses and residents who were “Going Green” with awards for their efforts. Awards are presented during the annual Harvest Your Energy Festival.
Local Energy Action Plan: The city received a Local Energy Action Program grant from the Metropolitan Area Planning Council, which provided technical assistance to the City to create and implement an Energy Action Plan.
Solar Thermal Pre-Design Study: Received a $10,000 grant to assess the feasibility of using solar thermal to heat the Medford High School Pool or other water at MHS.
Decorative Street Light Conversion: 154 decorative streetlights in Medford Square were upgraded to LED.
Installation of Low-e ceiling at LoConte Rink: The City collaborated with Department of Conservation & Recreation (DCR) and National Grid to install an energy saving ceiling at the LoConte Ice Rink. National Grid contributed $40,000 and DCR contributed $20,000 to the project.
US Conference of Mayors City Livability Award: Medford received Honorable Mention for Go Green Medford Program
Medford High Energy Upgrades: National Grid contributed over $100,000 to steam trap repairs and windows & doors weatherization in all of Medford High as well as lighting upgrades in the C-building of Medford High. All lighting upgrades included occupancy sensors.
2012-2013 Green Communities Grant for Chevalier Theater: Received $250,000 grant to do oil to gas conversion and associated heating system upgrades.
Negotiated New Municipal Electric and Gas Supply Contracts: New pricing will save the city $1.7 Million over three years ($750,000 in savings for gas and $950,000 in savings for electricity).
Municipal Lighting Retrofits: Medford worked with National Grid’s Small Business Program to retrofit lights in 7 Public Safety Buildings, 3 Schools, the Library, the Gene-Mac Gymnasium and the Senior Center for a total annual savings of 341,000 kWh and $40,000.
Initiated Kill-A-Watt Program in Medford Public Library: Medford Energy Committee worked with Friends of the Medford Public Library to make Kill-A-Watt meters available for loan to residents.
Plug-in Prius: The City used and demonstrated a Plug-in Prius on loan from Toyota for 7 months. The departments who used the car include energy and environment, health, building, police, and schools.
First Annual Harvest Your Energy Festival: Festival organized in partnership between the city, Mass DOER and Mass Energy Consumers Alliance to promote energy savings and the environment. The festival has occurred each year since, with dozens of vendors, and takes place at the base of the wind turbine.
Medford Energy Committee (MEC) formed: Medford formed a volunteer citizens committee to recommend policy and program direction and to assist the city with implementing additional energy programs and education. The MEC took over the tasks of the previous Medford Clean Energy Committee.
Single Stream Recycling: Medford worked with Waste Management to develop a program for residential single stream recycling to begin in November 2010. Energy Office worked with a committee of teachers to further integrate recycling into the Medford Schools.
Energy Star Plaques: Received Energy Star Plaques for 5 schools: Brooks, Columbus, Roberts, McGlynn & Andrews and Medford City Hall. This award means that the buildings were in the top 25% most energy-efficient among similar buildings. These buildings have continued to receive Energy Star awards in subsequent years.
Leading By Example Award: The City of Medford received the Leading By Example Award from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in recognition of the energy and environmental initiatives the city has implemented.
Green Communities Energy Efficiency Grant: Medford received a grant of $270,000 to replace the hot water heaters in the Medford High School and to update its Climate Action Plan.
Green Communities Designation & Stretch Code: Medford passed the Building Stretch Code and received designation as a Massachusetts Green Community.
MA DOER Owner’s Agent Award for Solar PV: Medford received an award for technical assistance to help the city with its Solar PV project. The City is preparing to issue an RFP for a PPA for a 500kW-1000kW Solar PV rooftop installation.
Wind Turbine (built 2007-2009): Medford built and commissioned a 100 kilowatt wind turbine at the Andrews and McGlynn School Complex. The city continues to monitor and maintain the turbine.
EECBG Grant: The city obtained an Energy Efficiency & Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) from the Federal Government for $504,000 to implement energy efficiency measures in the five middle and elementary schools as well as to hire an Energy Efficiency Coordinator to pursue additional energy efficiency and renewable energy funding, education and outreach.
Municipal Energy Audits: Medford initiated a process through MA DOER to conduct energy audits of all municipal buildings.
School Energy Audits: Medford initiated energy audits of all the schools in our system through the National Grid Whole Building Assessment Program.
Solar Lighting: Medford was selected to participate in the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative’s solar-powered lighting system program. A solar lighting system was installed for the Playstead Cemetery Monument.
Energy Smackdown Competition: A team of Medford households competed against teams from Arlington and Cambridge in a year-long carbon reduction campaign. A Medford household came in first in the individual household category.
Joined EPA New England Community Energy Challenge
Energy Smackdown Pilot: Medford hosted the first iteration of the Energy Smackdown household energy reduction contest.
Altwheels Transportation Festival Award: Awarded to Medford as the city with the Greatest Commitment to Alternative Transportation.
Municipal Energy Efficiency Policy: Medford issued an Energy & Resource Efficiency Policy that covers all aspects of energy use by City employees including lighting, office equipment purchasing and use, building heating and cooling, water usage, the motor vehicle fleet and commuting options and alternatives.
Municipal Environmental Purchasing and Sustainability Award: Received from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for outstanding performance in the areas of recycling and sustainable practices.
US EPA Clean School Bus Project: Medford became the 1st US EPA Clean School Bus Project recipient in the country to not only manage this Program for our City but for the other 12 Metro Boston communities served by our school bus contractor.
Created Medford Clean Energy Committee
School Bus No-Idling Policy: Medford developed a comprehensive program to reduce school bus idling.
US EPA Clean Air Excellence Award: received for regulatory/policy innovations for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
US EPA Energy Star Plaque: Medford City Hall was the first Massachusetts City Hall to receive the EPA Energy Star Plaque.
Creation of the Office of Energy & Environment
Benchmarked Municipal Energy Use: Medford bench-marked its municipal energy usage with the US EPA, resulting in an Energy Star Plaque for the City Hall.
LED Traffic Lights: Medford converted all of the traffic lights in the city to LEDs to reduce energy use.
First Energy Efficiency Fair: Medford hosted its first Energy Efficiency Fair
Climate Action Plan: Medford created the first Municipal Climate Action Plan in the Commonwealth.
Biodiesel & Electric Cars: Medford replaced the diesel fuel used at the Medford Cemetery with biodiesel and received electric cars for city use.
First Green House Gas Inventory: Medford performed its first greenhouse gas inventory in conjunction with the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI).
Municipal Lighting Retrofits: Medford performed lighting retrofits at City Hall, the Public Safety Building and the Medford Public Library
Solar Panels: Medford installed solar panels on the roof of City Hall and at the Medford High School (panels were later moved to Hormel Stadium).
Created Medford Energy Task Force
Tree City USA Designation: Medford maintains this designation by maintaining a forestry program, having a Tree Warden, and observing Arbor Day each year.